Exact dispersion relations for the hybrid plasmon-phonon modes in graphene on dielectric substrates with polar optical phonons

Opt Express. 2021 Aug 16;29(17):26925-26943. doi: 10.1364/OE.434274.


Intrinsic optical phonons and extrinsic polar optical phonons (POPs) strongly affect the graphene surface plasmons. Specifically, extraneous POPs present on the surface of an underlying substrate change the behavior of the graphene's surface plasmons sharply due to the plasmon-phonon hybridization. Here, we report modeling of exact dispersion relations for graphene's surface plasmons affected by intrinsic optical phonons and extrinsic POPs of the surface of polar dielectric substrates with one or more vibrational frequencies. In doing so, we have employed random phase approximation with modified two-dimensional polarizability (2D-Π0). The adapted Π0 addresses limitations of the previously derived plasmons dispersion, obtained using classical two-dimensional polarizability. We show the new model overcomes the unsatisfying behavior of the plasmonic dispersion relation obtained by the classical 2D-Π0 at high-wavenumbers and its inability to indicate the starting point of the mode damping. Our new simple model eliminates the complexity of the other presented models in describing the surface plasmons' behavior, specifically at high wavenumbers. Besides, we use our dispersion model to learn about the plasmon content of the hybrid modes, which is a vital value to compute output current in plasmonic graphene-based devices. The coupled-mode lifetime due to the hybrid nature depends on both plasmon and phonon lifetimes. We capture this value here. There is an excellent agreement between our theoretical results and the experimental data reported earlier. They pave the way for the exact modeling of graphene plasmons on common polar substrates and bring in the closeness of the theoretical approaches and experimental results.