Background: Generally, social development among young people is largely influenced by their peers. Peer education is a proven and effective approach for promoting reproductive health among young people, especially HIV/AIDS education. This study was conducted to assess the effectiveness of a peer-led education intervention in addressing sexual and reproductive health related knowledge and concerns among young people in Kaduna and Kano States, northwest Nigeria.
Methods: A pre and post-test study was conducted among 8930 young people aged 15-24 years who participated in the MTV Shuga Peer Education intervention selected from communities in Kaduna and Kano States. A baseline pre-test was conducted before the education program, and it was followed up with a post-test at the end of the five-day long peer education sessions.
Results: Majority of the respondents, 7846 (87.9%) were adolescents aged 15-19 years while the rest 1084 (12.1%) were young adults aged 20-24 years. A total of 6099 (68.3%) of the respondents correctly stated that condoms prevent pregnancy during the pre-test compared to 6429 (72.0%) peers during the post test. Lower abdominal pain was correctly indicated as a symptom of STI by 6282 (70.3%) and 6984 (78.2%) of the respondents at pre-test and post-test respectively. More males (58.5%) had good knowledge about condom use compared to the females, 51.9% (χ2 = 24.62, p < 0.001). while more females (79.6%) compared to 74.7% males opined that going for HIV test with their sexual partner is important to them during the pre-test (χ2 = 19.44, p≤ 0.001).However, no significant difference was observed on knowledge of condom use and opinion on going for HIV testing with sexual partner among either gender at post-test.
Conclusion: Significant positive changes in knowledge, views and opinions regarding STIs and HIV, HIV anti-stigma and the use of condoms were observed following exposure to the peer sessions of the MTV Shuga peer education intervention. Sustained exposure and access to informative and enlightening peer education sessions over time have the potential to comprehensively improve SRH knowledge, influence positive opinion change and in turn adoption of positive behaviours among young people.
Keywords: Adolescents; Contraception; HIV/AIDS; Peer education; Sexual and Reproductive Health.
Peer education is an approach to health promotion, in which community members are supported to promote health-enhancing change among their peers. This approach is being adopted to improve access to comprehensive sexual and reproductive health information among young people. Society for Family Health implemented a peer education intervention (MTV Shuga Naija Peer Education Project) among young people aged 15–24 years in Kaduna and Kano States, Nigeria. This study presents findings on the effectiveness of peer-education in addressing myths, misconceptions and improving knowledge on sexual and reproductive health issues.The knowledge and opinion of the project beneficiaries were assessed before and after exposure to the project’s interventions (the MTV Shuga drama series and peer education). Findings from both assessments were compared and the results were presented in this article. In total, 8930 persons between the age of 15–24 years were assessed. We observed that more proportion of the respondents after exposure to the project’s intervention correctly identified that condom use can prevent pregnancy and that lower abdominal pain is a sign of sexually transmitted illnesses, when compared to before the intervention. Significant improvement was observed for most of other questions that the respondents were asked about.We generally observed that the peer education strategy used in this study resulted in the knowledge of HIV/AIDS, sexually transmitted illnesses, contraception, and other reproductive health issues among young people. The use of peer-to-peer education should be encouraged and consistently adopted to improve knowledge of pertinent health issues among young people.
© 2021. The Author(s).