Objective: The goal of this study is to evaluate the potential effect of muscle pre-activation under a lateral impact scenario, in this case focusing on a far-side impact, using an Active Human Body Model.
Methods: In total fourteen simulations were run, out of these, twelve were computed with an Active Human Body Model and two with a passive one. The models were subjected to a far-side impact scenario reaching up to 14 g's. Two different pre-crash scenarios were analyzed with the Active Human Body Model: (1) constant velocity, and (2) braking deceleration. During the pre-crash phase a lambda control based on the muscle length computed the muscle activation. Since there is no available data concerning the neuromuscular strategy of the occupants subjected to high accelerations, six different control strategies were analyzed during the in-crash phase. Besides, rib fracture and brain injury risk were analyzed, since they are the two most relevant body regions in this simplified far-side crash scenario.
Results: The pre-activation of the muscles showed an effect on both the occupant kinematics and estimated injury risks. Depending on the considered muscle strategy, the head lateral excursion varied up to 75 mm, specifically for the scenario with constant velocity. Moreover, the rib fracture probability and the brain injury indicator revealed higher injury risks for the passive Human Body Model. When applying the constant velocity during pre-crash, the fracture probability for two or more ribs ranged from 9.91 to 46.06% for the Active Human Body Model, whereas it reached 84.3% for the passive model. The brain injury indicator was reduced by about 10% when using the active model compared to the passive one.
Conclusions: The numerical results show that the pre-activation of the muscles affects the kinematic and injury outcomes in car crashes. In this study, six muscular control strategies have been proposed. The two muscular controls that may be most realistic are: constant activation after the in-crash phase starts, by trying to hold the position prior to the crash, or no stimulation, by not responding to the upcoming in-crash event.
Keywords: Active human body model; in-crash; injury risk; muscle activation strategies; pre-crash.