The Genome Sequence Archive for Human (GSA-Human) is a data repository specialized for human genetic related data derived from biomedical researches, and also supports the data collection and management of National Key Research and Development Projects. GSA-Human has a data security management strategy according to the national regulations of human genetic resources. It provides two different models of data access: Open-access and Controlled-access. Open-access data are universally and freely accessible for global researchers, while Controlled-access ensures that data are accessed only by authorized users with the permission of the Data Access Committee (DAC). Till July 2021, GSA-Human has housed more than 5.27 PB of data from 750 datasets.
GSA-Human是人类遗传资源数据汇交、存储、管理与共享的数据库系统,可提供人类遗传资源数据的上传、下载、浏览、检索等公共服务,并有效支撑了国家重点研发计划科技项目数据的汇交与管理工作。系统具有符合《中华人民共和国人类遗传资源管理条例》数据安全管理策略,提供公开访问和受控访问相结合的数据使用模式。公开访问数据允许用户自由下载与获取;受控访问数据采用申请-审核的模式,即需要通过数据管理委员会(Data Access Committee, DAC)的授权方可获得下载和使用权限。系统自上线以来,截至2021年7月,汇集数据总量已超5.27 PB。.
Keywords: GSA-Human; data sharing; data submission; omics data.