Objective: To analyze the achievement of policy goals and actual changes of representative structure quality indicators related to disease control and prevention system during 2002-2018 in China. Methods: Quantified policy goals of structure quality including the number of workers, the proportion with bachelor degree and working environment were extracted from relevant policy documents and the data about representative structure quality indicators, including finance, human resources and working environment, were extracted from health statistics yearbooks. Comparative analysis was adopted in this study. Results: First, the designed policy goals were partly achieved. The number of workers per ten thousand people was lower than 1.75 in 2015. The target proportion of workers with bachelor degree was achieved by four year later in 2016. Only average building area per person was achieved according to the goal set in 2009. Second, it showed huge discrepancy among the proportion of financial subsidy, average personnel expenditure per person, and the number of workers at different levels of centers for disease control and prevention (CDC) from 2002 to 2018. The development of county-level CDCs was more restrained. Conclusion: Appropriate policy goals regarding financial support, human resources, and working environment should be strengthened at national level and quality improvement strategies should be established in the CDC system, particularly for county-level CDCs.
目的: 分析我国疾病预防控制(疾控)体系代表性结构质量指标的政策目标实现情况和2002—2018年实际变化情况。 方法: 梳理国家政策中与疾控体系结构质量相关且可量化的政策目标(包括疾控人员数量、本科学历占比和工作环境);提取卫生统计年鉴2002—2018年资金投入、人力资源和工作环境等代表性结构质量指标数据,对二者进行比较分析。 结果: 既定政策目标实现不足。疾控机构人员数量持续低于2015年每万常住人口1.75人的政策目标值,2012年应达到的本科学历人员目标占比推迟至2016年实现,人均建筑面积基本达到2009年建设标准。2002—2018年不同级别疾控机构财政补助收入占比、人均人员经费支出、人员数量等指标变化差异较大,以县属疾控机构发展最为受限。 结论: 应从国家层面加强对疾控机构(尤其是县属疾控机构)资金投入、人力资源和工作环境相关政策目标的合理设定,逐步建立以政策目标为导向的疾控体系结构质量提升策略。.