Dystonia is a movement disorder characterised by sustained muscle contractions that produce repetitive twisting movements or abnormal postures. It can be classified according to the aetiology as primary (idiopathic and genetic forms), or secondary. The presentation associated with generalised, intense episodes and with exacerbation of severe muscle contractures and usually refractory to traditional pharmacotherapy is known as dystonic status or dystonic storm. In the present article, a case is presented of a 33-year-old patient with a history of congenital deafness, stimulant use disorder and on psychopharmacological treatment with antipsychotics, who presented with a severe dystonic reaction that evolved to a status dystonicus.
Keywords: Central nervous system stimulants; Distonía; Dystonia; Dystonic disorders; Estimulantes del sistema nervioso central; Movement disorders; Tormenta distónica; Trastorno distónico; Trastornos del movimiento; Tratamiento; Treatment.
Copyright © 2020 Asociación Colombiana de Psiquiatría. Published by Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.