Light-emitting diodes (LEDs) in a tandem configuration offer a strategy to realize high-performance, multicolor devices. Until now, though, the efficiency of tandem colloidal quantum dot LEDs (QLEDs) has been limited due to unpassivated interfaces and solvent damage originating from the materials processing requirements of interconnecting layers (ICLs). Here an ICL is reported consisting of a semiconductor-metal-dielectric stack that provides facile fabrication, materials stability, and good optoelectronic coupling. It is investigated experimentally how the ICL enables charge balance, suppresses current leakage, and prevents solvent damage to the underlying layers. As a result record efficiencies are reported for double-junction tandem QLEDs, whose emission wavelengths cover from blue to red light; i.e., external quantum efficiencies (EQEs) of 40% (average 37+/-2%) for red, 49% (average 45+/-2%) for yellow, 50% (average 46+/-2%) for green, and 24% (average 21+/-2%) for blue are achieved.
Keywords: electroluminescence; interconnecting layers; light-emitting diodes; quantum dots; tandem structures.
© 2021 Wiley-VCH GmbH.