Reshaping Membrane Polymorphism of Polymer Vesicles through Dynamic Gas Exchange

J Am Chem Soc. 2021 Dec 8;143(48):20183-20191. doi: 10.1021/jacs.1c07838. Epub 2021 Nov 23.


The quest for a universal method to shape the vesicular morphology in dynamic and diversified manners is a challenging topic of cell mimicry. Here we present a simple gas exchange strategy that can direct the deformation movements of polymer vesicles. Such vesicles are assembled by a class of gas-based dynamic polymers, where CO2 connects between the frustrated Lewis pair via dynamic gas-bridged bonds. Use of other competitive gases (N2O, SO2, or C2H4) to in situ exchange the CO2 linkages can change the polymer structure and drive the membrane to proceed with three fundamental movements, including membrane stretching, membrane incurvation, and membrane protrusion, thus remolding the shapes of polymersomes. The choices of gas types, concentrations, and combinations are crucial to adjusting the vesicle evolution, local change of membrane curvature, and anisotropic geometrical transformation. This will become a generalized strategy to control the vesicular polymorphism and deformable behavior.

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  • Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't