Objective: To study the prevalence and correlations of HIV infection among cross-border couples in the Dehong prefecture. Methods: A cross-sectional mass screening study with questionnaire interview and HIV testing was conducted among 17 594 registered cross-border couples from May 2017 through June 2018. Results: Among 32 400 participants, the overall prevalence of HIV infection was 2.27% (736/32 400), 2.44% (375/15 372) for Chinese citizens, and 2.12% (361/17 028) for foreign spouses. Among all the 13 853 couples with both spouses receiving HIV testing, 13 415(96.84%) were seroconcordant-negative couples, 142(1.03%) were serocondordant-positive couples, and 296(2.13%) were serodiscordant couples, including 167(1.20%) couples with positive husband and negative wife and 129(0.93%) couples with positive wife and negative husband. Multiple logistic regression analyses indicated that HIV infection was associated with drug use and risky sexual behaviors for male spouses. In contrast, HIV infection was associated with risky sexual behaviors for female spouses. Conclusion: The prevalence of HIV among cross-border couples in Dehong prefecture is high, underscoring the urgent need to scale up HIV testing, prevention, and behavioral intervention.
目的: 了解德宏傣族景颇族自治州(德宏州)跨境婚姻家庭HIV感染现状及影响因素。 方法: 2017年5月至2018年6月,以17 594户登记在册的跨境婚姻家庭为研究对象,开展全员筛查为目标的横断面调查,以问卷形式收集调查对象的信息,并同时进行HIV抗体检测。 结果: 有32 400名研究对象完成HIV抗体检测,HIV感染率为2.27%(736/32 400),中国籍和缅甸籍的HIV感染率分别为2.44%(375/15 372)和2.12%(361/17 028)。夫妻双方HIV检测结果均已知的13 853户跨境婚姻家庭中,双阴性、双阳性和单阳性家庭数分别为13 415(96.84%)、142(1.03%)和296户(2.13%),单阳性家庭分为仅丈夫阳性家庭167户(1.20%)和仅妻子阳性家庭129户(0.93%)。多因素logistic回归分析结果显示,跨境婚姻家庭中,丈夫感染HIV的主要危险因素为吸毒史和高危性行为史,而妻子感染HIV的主要危险因素为高危性行为史。 结论: 德宏州跨境婚姻家庭的HIV感染率较高,需加强HIV检测、预防和行为干预工作。.