Objective: To examine the effectiveness of revascularization of the deep femoral artery and its inflow vessels to treat critical limb ischemia in patients with thromboangiitis obliterans (TAO). Methods: The clinical data of 9 TAO patients with critical limb ischemia who underwent deep femoral artery and its inflow revascularization from January 2018 to October 2020 at Department of Vascular Surgery, the First Medical Center, People's Liberation Army General Hospital were retrospectively analyzed.There were all males, aged from 26 to 50 years with onset time from 1 to 7 years.All patients had severe rest pain, and 4 had ischemic ulcers or gangrene.All patients had occlusion of the deep femoral artery origins and(or) its inflow tracts, including 2 ipsilateral common iliac artery occlusion, 4 ipsilateral external iliac artery occlusion, 7 common femoral artery occlusion, and 8 deep femoral artery origins, without the involvement of the contralateral common femoral artery or its inflow tracts.Surgical procedures included femoral endarterectomy with thrombectomy, merge suture, and bypass.Technical success rate, rest pain relief, ulcer healing, patency, amputation rate, and long-term prognosis were recorded. Results: The overall technical success rate was 9/9, including 8 femoral endarterectomies with thrombectomy (with 4 patch-angioplasty with the great saphenous vein, 1 merge suture, and 3 simple sutures), 4 femoral-femoral bypasses with artificial vessels, and 1 superficial femoral artery bypass with the great saphenous vein.Rest pain disappeared after the operation immediately.The follow-up time was 10 to 44 months.All patients survived.The semi-annual patency rate was 9/9, and the one-year patency rate was 6/8.Except for one patient with significantly reduced but unhealed dorsalis ulcer up to now due to continuous heavy tobacco exposure after surgery, all others had no rest pain occurred or recurrence of foot ulcers during the follow-up.Among the 8 patients, 3 cases with recent claudication had continuous moderate tobacco exposure (10 to 20 cigarettes per day or severe passive smoking). Conclusions: For patients with thromboangiitis obliterans involved in the deep femoral artery or its inflow vessels, revascularization should be the primary choice and a good long-term prognosis is promising.Postoperative tobacco exposure (including passive smoking) is of great impact on the prognosis of TAO patients, and smoking cessation education must be reemphasized and reinforced.
目的: 探讨股深动脉及其流入道血管行开放手术血管重建治疗血栓闭塞性脉管炎严重肢体缺血患者的效果。 方法: 回顾性分析2018年1月至2020年10月于解放军总医院第一医学中心血管外科接受股深动脉及其流入道血管重建治疗的9例血栓闭塞性脉管炎患者的临床资料。患者均为男性,且有严重吸烟史,年龄26~50岁,发病时间1~7年。所有患者均存在严重静息痛,4例合并足部缺血性溃疡或坏疽。所有患者均存在股深动脉开口和(或)其流入道闭塞性病变,其中合并同侧髂总动脉闭塞2例,同侧髂外动脉闭塞4例,股总动脉长段闭塞7例,累及股深动脉开口病变8例,无对侧股总、髂外及髂总动脉累及。手术方法包括内膜剥脱+取栓、补片扩大成形及血管旁路。记录手术成功率、静息痛缓解及溃疡愈合、远期通畅、截肢率及远期预后。 结果: 所有患者均顺利完成手术,包括股总动脉内膜剥脱+取栓8例(其中大隐静脉补片行股总及股深动脉扩大成形4例、股深股浅扩大缝合1例、直接缝合3例),人工血管行股股转流4例、自体大隐静脉行股总-股浅远端旁路术1例。患者术后静息痛均明显缓解。随访时间10~44个月,患者均存活,术后6个月一期通畅率9/9,1年一期通畅率6/8,溃疡愈合比例3/4,无术侧截肢。1例足背巨大溃疡患者,术后溃疡明显缩小,但因持续重度烟草接触(>20支/d)至今未愈,余患者随访期间均无静息痛或足部溃疡复发。3例患者近期随访时出现间歇性跛行,患者均存在术后中度烟草接触史(10~20支/d或严重二手烟)。 结论: 对于累及股深动脉开口及其流入道的血栓闭塞性脉管炎患者,应首选一期开放手术重建股深动脉及其流入道,远期预后良好;术后烟草接触史(包括二手烟)对于血栓闭塞性脉管炎患者预后转归具有重要意义,应着重加强戒烟宣教。.