Technical note: Providing proton fields down to the few-MeV level at clinical pencil beam scanning facilities for radiobiological experiments

Med Phys. 2022 Jan;49(1):666-674. doi: 10.1002/mp.15388. Epub 2021 Dec 22.


Purpose: The adequate performance of radiobiological experiments using clinical proton beams typically requires substantial preparations to provide the appropriate setup for specific experiments. Providing radiobiologically interesting low-energy protons is a particular challenge, due to various physical effects that become more pronounced with larger absorber thickness and smaller proton energy. This work demonstrates the generation of decelerated low-energy protons from a clinical proton beam.

Methods: Monte Carlo simulations of proton energy spectra were performed for energy absorbers with varying thicknesses to reduce the energy of the clinical proton beam down to the few-MeV level corresponding to μ m-ranges. In this way, a setup with an optimum thickness of the absorber with a maximum efficiency of the proton fluence for the provisioning of low-energy protons is supposed to be found. For the specific applications of 2.5-3.3 MeV protons and α -particle range equivalent protons, the relative depth dose was measured and simulated together with the dose-averaged linear energy transfer (LETd) distribution.

Results: The resulting energy spectra from Monte Carlo simulations indicate an optimal absorber thickness for providing low-energy protons with maximum efficiency of proton fluence at an user-requested energy range for experiments. For instance, providing energies lower than 5 MeV, an energy spectrum with a relative total efficiency of 38.6 % to the initial spectrum was obtained with the optimal setup. The measurements of the depth dose, compared to the Monte Carlo simulations, showed that the dosimetry of low-energy protons works and protons with high LETd down to the range of α -particles can be produced.

Conclusions: This work provides a method for generating all clinically and radiobiologically relevant energies - especially down to the few-MeV level - at one clinical facility with pencil beam scanning. Thereby, it enables radiobiological experiments under environmentally uniform conditions.

Keywords: α -particle range; Monte Carlo; energy distributions; high LET; proton therapy; radiobiology.

MeSH terms

  • Linear Energy Transfer
  • Monte Carlo Method
  • Proton Therapy*
  • Protons*
  • Radiobiology


  • Protons