In laboratory animals, exposure to gonadal steroid hormones before and immediately after birth can exert permanent effects on many behaviors, particularly reproductive behaviors. The extent to which such effects occur in humans remains an open question, but several lines of evidence indicate that perinatal levels of both androgens and estrogens may affect adult human psychology and behavior, including sexual orientation and gender nonconformity. Some putative indicators of prenatal androgen exposure, including the ratio of the length of the index finger to that of the ring finger (2D:4D), have repeatedly indicated that lesbians, on average, were exposed to more prenatal androgens than straight women, suggesting that sufficient fetal androgen exposure predisposes a fetus to gynephilia (attraction to women) at maturity. The digit ratios of gay men do not differ from those of straight men, suggesting that prenatal androgen levels are not responsible for their androphilia (attraction to men). However, evidence that gay men who prefer an insertive anal sex role (ASR) have more masculine digit ratios than those preferring a receptive ASR suggests that early androgens influence some sexual preferences in men. Furthermore, digit ratios among gay men have been found to correlate with recalled childhood gender nonconformity (CGN). People with isolated gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) deficiency (IGD) offer further insight into the effects of perinatal gonadal steroid exposure. In people with IGD, gonadal hormone production is low or absent after the first trimester of gestation. However, because placental gonadotropins drive gonadal hormone secretion during the first trimester when genitalia sexually differentiate, individuals with IGD are unambiguously male or female at birth, consistent with their chromosomal and gonadal sex. Men with IGD report greater CGN, again suggesting that perinatal androgen exposure contributes to male-typical behavioral patterns in humans. Interestingly, women with IGD report less androphilia and more bisexuality than control women, suggesting that perinatal ovarian steroids in females typically augment androphilia in adulthood. Taken together, these findings indicate that the perinatal hormonal milieu influences human sexual orientation and gender conformity.
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