Despite improvements in representation of women in academic medicine, the rate of promotion and career advancement remains unequal. Compared with their male colleagues, women report lower rates of personal-organizational value alignment and higher rates of burnout. Particular challenges further exist for Black women, Indigenous women, women of color, and third gender or gender nonbinary faculty. Promoting the well-being of women physicians requires innovative approaches beyond the traditional scope of physician well-being efforts and careful attention to the unique barriers women face. Three wellness-oriented models are presented to promote the professional fulfillment and well-being of women physicians: (1) redefine productivity and create innovative work models, (2) promote equity through workplace redesign and burnout reduction, and (3) promote, measure, and improve diversity, equity, and inclusion. By engaging in innovative models for equitable advancement and retention, it is anticipated that diverse groups of women faculty will be better represented at higher levels of leadership and thus contribute to the creation of more equitable work climates, fostering well-being for women physicians.
Copyright © 2021 by the American Academy of Pediatrics.