Several factors may account for the recent increased spread of the SARS-CoV-2 Delta sub-lineage AY.4.2 in the United Kingdom, Romania, Poland, and Denmark. We evaluated the sensitivity of AY.4.2 to neutralisation by sera from 30 Comirnaty (BNT162b2 mRNA) vaccine recipients in Denmark in November 2021. AY.4.2 neutralisation was comparable to other circulating Delta lineages or sub-lineages. Conversely, the less prevalent B.1.617.2 with E484K showed a significant more than 4-fold reduction in neutralisation that warrants surveillance of strains with the acquired E484K mutation.
Keywords: AY.4.2; COVID-19; Delta; E484K mutation; SARS-CoV-2; coronavirus; variant; virus neutralization.