The distribution of the recently described HLA-DP antigens was examined in a population of patients with pauciarticular juvenile rheumatoid arthritis and iridocyclitis, in an attempt to further characterize the immunogenetically determined susceptibility to this disease. There was a significantly increased frequency of the HLA-DPw2 antigen in the patients compared with the controls (67% versus 34%; odds ratio 3.9, P = 0.003 by Fisher's exact test). Population studies and family studies showed that this association with HLA-DPw2 was not secondary to linkage disequilibrium with the previously defined HLA-D region markers of disease (HLA-DR5 and HLA-DRw8) in these patients. These data raise the possibility that susceptibility to this form of juvenile rheumatoid arthritis may be regulated by more than one HLA-linked gene.