Objective The present study aims to evaluate the influence of hormonal levels of vitamin D, calcitonin, testosterone, estradiol, and parathyroid in patients with fractures attributed to osteoporosis when compared with young patients with fractures resulting from high-impact accidents. Methods Blood samples were collected from 30 elderly patients with osteoporosis-attributed fractures (T-score ≤ -2.5) (osteoporotic group), and from 30 young patients with fractures resulting from high-impact accidents (control group). Measurement of 1,25-hydroxyvitamin D (Kit Diasorin, Saluggia, Italy), calcitonin (Kit Siemens, Tarrytown, NY, USA), testosterone, estradiol, and parathyroid hormone (Kit Beckman Couter, Indianapolis, IN, United States) was performed using a chemiluminescence technique. Data were inserted into a Microsoft Excel (Microsoft Corp., Armonk, WA, USA) spreadsheet and analyzed using Statview statistical software. Results showing non-normal distribution were analyzed with nonparametric methods. The Mann-Whitney test was applied for group comparison, and a Spearman test correlated hormonal levels. Statistical significance was set at p < 0.05. All analyzes compared gender and subjects with and without osteoporosis. Results Women with osteoporosis had significantly lower levels of estradiol and vitamin D ( p = 0.047 and p = 0.0275, respectively). Men with osteoporosis presented significantly higher levels of parathyroid hormone ( p = 0.0065). There was no significant difference in testosterone and calcitonin levels. Conclusion Osteoporosis patients presented gender-related hormonal differences. Women had significantly lower levels of estradiol and vitamin D, whereas men had significantly higher parathyroid hormone levels, apparently impacting the disease.
Keywords: calcitonin; estradiol; hormones; osteoporosis; parathyroid hormone.
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