The identification of metabolites in single-cell or small-volume tissue samples using single-cell mass spectrometry (MS) is challenging. In this study, hydrogen/deuterium (H/D) exchange was combined with microsampling nanospray high-resolution mass spectrometry (HRMS) to improve the efficiency and confidence level of metabolite identification in a single cell using commercial software. A nanospray ion source showed an improved reaction depth of 8% for H/D exchange compared with an electrospray ion source. In total, 273 metabolites were identified in Allium cepa L. single cells by searching commercial databases. Generally, more than one candidate is given for a precursor ion by MS or tandem MS (MS2) databases such as ChemSpider, MetDNA, MassBank, and mzCloud. With the help of the H/D exchange technique, the number of candidates decreased and reduction of the search space by a factor of 8 was achieved. In addition, two enzymolysis products of isoalliin, the transient intermediate and its isomer, were tracked at the single-cell level using the proposed method.