The Atlantic Johne's Disease Initiative (AJDI) aims to control Mycobacterium avium ssp. paratuberculosis infection by using veterinary-administered risk assessments to identify high-risk management practices and prompt changes in management behavior. Objectives for this study were to measure producer satisfaction with the veterinary-administered risk assessment and management plan (RAMP) process in a voluntary Johne's disease (JD) control program, compare RAMP-specific satisfaction results based on herd JD status, and measure knowledge transfer from certified veterinarians to producers during the RAMP. A satisfaction questionnaire was adapted to the RAMP process in the AJDI to measure producer satisfaction. The questionnaire included 9 RAMP-specific producer satisfaction items, 1 global RAMP satisfaction item, and 16 questions to assess producer knowledge and knowledge translation about JD, bovine viral diarrhea (BVD), and bovine leukosis virus (BLV) during the RAMP (BVD and BLV used for comparison purposes). A total of 133 dairy producers in the AJDI (79.6% response rate) completed the questionnaire by telephone. The RAMP-specific satisfaction was high among the AJDI producers surveyed, and these results were not found to differ based on herd JD status. The lowest satisfaction scores and the highest number of "unable to assess" responses were for the item relating to cost. Factors that contributed to RAMP-specific producer satisfaction were not identified from the demographic and herd information available in this study. The knowledge scores indicated moderate knowledge about JD and fair knowledge about BVD and BLV. Evidence of knowledge translation from the RAMP was mixed in this study. Bovine viral diarrhea knowledge scores were not found to differ based on whether or not the certified veterinarian discussed BVD during the preceding RAMP, but BLV knowledge scores were higher among dairy producers that discussed BLV during the preceding RAMP. Strengths and gaps in producer knowledge about these 3 infectious diseases were identified. By using this producer questionnaire, interventions aimed at improving the content, delivery, and satisfaction of RAMP in JD control programs, such as the AJDI, can be developed.
Keywords: Johne's disease; infectious disease; knowledge transfer; risk assessment and management plan; satisfaction.
The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. and Fass Inc. on behalf of the American Dairy Science Association®. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (