First Maintenance Therapy for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: Retrospective Analyses of US and UK Healthcare Databases

Pulm Ther. 2022 Mar;8(1):57-74. doi: 10.1007/s41030-021-00179-0. Epub 2022 Jan 10.


Introduction: Inhaled corticosteroids (ICS) are often prescribed inappropriately alongside long-acting bronchodilators for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). We aimed to investigate if prescribing habits in the US and UK differ from recommendations for initiation of COPD maintenance therapy.

Methods: We used healthcare data from the US IBM® MarketScan® and UK Clinical Practice Research Datalink databases to assess exacerbations and comorbidities in patients with COPD initiating first maintenance therapy (1MT) between 2015 and 2018. Patients with a recorded asthma diagnosis prior to initiation of 1MT were excluded. We evaluated time from recorded diagnosis of COPD until initiation of 1MT, and treatment regimen at 1MT (long-acting muscarinic antagonist [LAMA], long-acting β2-agonist [LABA], ICS, as monotherapy or in combination).

Results: In the US and UK, median (IQR) time between recorded COPD diagnosis and 1MT was 158 (12; 839) and 29 (1; 521) days, respectively. Among the 53,473 US patients and 8786 UK patients who initiated 1MT, 50.9% and 32.4% had ≥ 1 exacerbation in the previous year. In the US, 20% of patients initiated LAMA, 1% LABA, 13% LAMA/LABA, and 66% an ICS-containing regimen (49% LABA/ICS, 13% ICS, and 4% LAMA/LABA/ICS). In the UK, 53% of patients initiated LAMA, 4% LABA, 16% LAMA/LABA, and 27% an ICS-containing regimen (14% LABA/ICS, 9% ICS, and 4% LAMA/LABA/ICS).

Conclusions: At 1MT, two-thirds of patients in the US received ICS-containing therapies, with almost half on LABA/ICS. In contrast, less than one-third received ICS-containing therapy in the UK and more than half of patients received LAMA. In both countries, more patients received ICS-containing therapies at initiation of 1MT than would be expected based on their exacerbation history, suggesting overprescribing.

Keywords: Bronchodilators; COPD; Clinical guidelines; Database; Inhaled corticosteroid; Long-acting beta-agonists; Long-acting muscarinic antagonists; Maintenance therapy; Observational study.

Plain language summary

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), a smoking-related lung disease, restricts airflow in the lungs, causing symptoms such as breathlessness and coughing. To control symptoms, patients use one or more types of inhaled ‘maintenance’ medication, which can be prescribed alone or together. When patients have a short-term worsening of symptoms, doctors often prescribe inhaled corticosteroids (ICS). We wanted to see whether doctors’ prescribing habits for maintenance inhalers are in line with clinical guidelines, so we analyzed data from a US health insurance database (~ 50,000 patients) and UK primary care medical records (~ 8000 patients). We focused on patients with a diagnosis of COPD who were prescribed their first maintenance therapy (1MT) between 2015 and 2018. We excluded people with a diagnosis of both COPD and asthma, as similar inhalers are used to treat these conditions, although the clinical decisions for when to prescribe them differ. The average time between COPD diagnosis and 1MT was longer in the US (158 days) than in the UK (29 days). A higher percentage of patients in the US (~ 65%) versus UK (~ 25%) were prescribed ICS as part of their treatment, and ICS use in both countries was higher than expected based on the guidelines, which recommend ICS only for patients with severe COPD who meet certain criteria. Our findings suggest overprescribing of ICS in both countries (particularly the US), meaning that some patients are being given medication without a known clinical benefit, which puts them at risk of side effects, possibly increasing unnecessary healthcare costs.