Purpose: To assess cosmesis [Breast Cancer Conservation Treatment. Cosmetic Results (BCCT.CORE) software] & QOL [EORTC QLQ (Quality of Life Questionnaire)-C30, BR23 questionnaires] using objective methods &to correlate effect of cosmesis on QOL (Quality of life) in breast cancer patients post BCT (Breast conservation therapy) using a cross-sectional observational study from a tertiary hospital.
Materials & methods: Cosmesis & QOL had been assessed in all biopsy-proven adult patients of unilateral breast cancer, who had undergone BCT with minimum three months post-BCT & three months post last adjuvant chemotherapy cycle, whichever is delivered last (with just hormonal therapy or followup remaining based on hormone receptor status). Pearson chi-square & Kendall correlation Tau-b tests had been used for testing association between Cosmesis & QOL. Variation of QOL scores between Cosmetic groups had been assessed using Mann-Whitney U-test.
Results: Cosmesis was Excellent/Good in 60.4 % of patients. 58.4 % of patients had Excellent/Good Quality of Life. Cosmesis & QOL had a positive correlation (intermediate strength) [Kendall correlation factor-0.484]. QOL-Global scale had better median scores in Excellent/ Good cosmetic group when compared to Fair/Poor group, while for functional & symptomatic scales, contrary had been true. Difference of median-scores between the two groups hadn't been statistically significant in five aspects - being upset over hair loss (p-0.09), sexual-enjoyment (p-0.33), nausea-vomiting (p-0.29), constipation (p0.32) & diarrhea (p-0.72).
Conclusion: About 2/3rds of patients post-BCT had Excellent/Good Cosmesis & Excellent/Good QOL. Every measure taken before, during & post-BCT to improve Cosmesis might result in better QOL. Future studies must use more accurate three-dimensional methods to assess Cosmesis & its effect on QOL.
Keywords: BCCT.CORE software EORTC QLQ-C30/BR23.; Breast cancer; Breast conservation therapy; Cosmetic outcome; Quality of life.