Although the issue of death and fear of it is one of the oldest issues that man has dealt with, modern secular psychiatry today, as before, does not pay enough attention to the phenomenon of fear of death. The famous Islamic philosopher and physician Ibn Sina, better known in the West as Avicenna (980-1037), wrote A Treatise on the Cure for the Fear of Death and the Treatment of Anxiety Caused by It, more than nine centuries ago. Bosnian Islamic scholar Mehmed Handžić translated this treatise from Arabic into Bosnian 80 years ago. This paper provides basic data and a summary of this translation with a focus on the analysis of key terms from the Arabic language used by the author in the original paper from the perspective of today's psychiatric terminology and then its integral translation into English. In addition to its historical significance, we believe that this discussion has its practical significance today, so we hope that this paper could encourage further fruitful discussions in professional circles dealing with this topic.