The optimum encapsulation of 241Am/Be disused sealed radioactive sources (DSRS) based on PHITS Monte Carlo simulations for their long-term storage in Cameroon was performed. The country capacity for the management of disused neutron sources was also evaluated and showed that a Am1 P60 capsule is sufficient for the total available inventoried 241Am/Be DSRSs. The effective dose rate was computed in the enclosures of the DSRS container, which will be temporarily stored in the centralized radioactive waste facility. The obtained results were in agreement with the ALARA principle for the exposure rate optimization and the obtained exposure dose rates were found to be 1.830 μSv/h (horizontal calculation) and 0.137 μSv/h (vertical computation) which values are lower than the 2.5 μSv/h acceptable limit for the public area. The dose profile for 241Am/Be source obtained, the neutron flux, and gamma generated from neutron absorption showed agreement with the research hypothesis. The Monte Carlo assessment achieved in the present research will be useful for dismantling and preparing the waste package for long-term storage.
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