CELL DIVISION CONTROL PROTEIN48 (CDC48) is essential for membrane fusion, protein degradation, and other cellular processes. Here, we revealed the crucial role of CDC48B in regulating periclinal cell division in roots by analyzing the recessive gen1 mutant. We identified the GEN1 gene through map-based cloning and verified that GEN1 encodes CDC48B. gen1 showed severely inhibited root growth, increased periclinal cell division in the endodermis, defective middle cortex (MC) formation, and altered ground tissue patterning in roots. Consistent with these phenotypes, CYCLIND 6;1(CYCD6;1), a periclinal cell division marker, was upregulated in gen1 compared to Col-0. The ratio of SHRpro :SHR-GFP fluorescence in pre-dividing nuclei versus the adjacent stele decreased by 33% in gen1, indicating that the trafficking of SHORT-ROOT (SHR) decreased in gen1 when endodermal cells started to divide. These findings suggest that the loss of function of CDC48B inhibits the intercellular trafficking of SHR from the stele to the endodermis, thereby decreasing SHR accumulation in the endodermis. These findings shed light on the crucial role of CDC48B in regulating periclinal cell division in roots.
Keywords: Arabidopsis; CDC48B; SHR; cell division control; periclinal cell division.
© 2022 The Authors. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology published by John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd on behalf of Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences.