Children in the United States do not consume the recommended amounts of healthful foods such as fruits and vegetables. In order to investigate factors associated with children's fruit and vegetable consumption, we used serial mediation models based on a theoretical model proposed by Kaar et al., [Food Quality & Preference, 50, 57-64 (2016)] to assess the indirect effect of parental food neophobia (X) on children's consumption (Y) of fruits and vegetables through two serial mediators, variety of fruits and vegetables offered at home (variety offered; M1) and child food neophobia (M2). This was accomplished with a sample of 148 children between 5 and 10 years of age (Mage = 7.71 years, 44.7% female). We measured parental and child food neophobia and parents' reports of the frequency with which they regularly offered a variety of fruits and vegetables. In addition, children completed a laboratory task in which they were presented with four different fruits and vegetables and were asked to try the foods. Analyses revealed a significant indirect effect of parents' food neophobia on consumption of fruits and vegetables through variety offered (M1) and child food neophobia (M2). There was also a significant serial indirect effect of parent food neophobia on consumption through variety offered and child food neophobia. The results provide further evidence to support the contention that parent and child neophobia and the feeding environment exert a strong influence on children's fruit and vegetable consumption.
Keywords: Food neophobia; Food preferences; Fruit and vegetable consumption; Repeated exposure; Serial mediation.
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