Pancreatic islets transplantation is an established treatment method for type 1 diabetic patients with the hypoglycemia unawareness syndrome in whom a therapy with modern technologies fails. Islet transplantation is most commonly done using an interventional radiology method: a tissue suspension of pancreatic islets is applied into a branch of the portal vein through a percutaneously installed catheter. Although being minimally invasive unlike pancreas organ transplant, this method is associated with many technical difficulties. Possible complications of the procedure include hemorrhage and portal vein thrombosis. Unlike their natural dispersed localization in exocrine pancreas, isolated pancreatic islets are exposed to hypoxia, toxins and immunosuppressive drugs in the liver parenchyma. Direct contact with the recipients blood causes an instant blood mediated inflammatory reaction (IBMIR) resulting in the death of more than half of the pancreatic islets shortly after their application. Therefore the size of the islet graft is often insufficient and a number of transplanted patients require administration of exogenous insulin. All of these are reasons for seeking an alternative transplantation site with more hospitable conditions for long-term islet survival. Various transplantation sites have been tested in experimental and clinical research. The advantages and disadvantages of some of them are summarized in this paper. Currently, transplantation into the greater omentum seems most promising, which has already been used in clinical practice at several institutions.
Keywords: Transplantation; epidemiology; hypoglycemia unawareness syndrome; impaired hypoglycaemia awarness; omentum; pancreatic islets; transplantation; type 1 diabetes mellitus.