Cardiopulmonary resuscitation is one of the most studied procedures in medicine. Over the years, despite numerous scientific studies, changes in guidelines, refining algorithms, expanding the availability of resuscitation equipment and educating the public, it has not been possible to improve the results of treatment of patients after cardiac arrest. Only 10% of them survive until hospital discharge. There is a well-tested medical procedure, wide application of which could improve results of resuscitation. This procedure is open chest cardiac massage (OCCM). OCCM is not a new technique, its use dates back to the nineteenth century, now it is reserved for patients sustaining trauma and those after surgical procedures. A number of experimental and clinical studies have proven its advantage over the currently preferred indirect massage (CCCM) also in the group of non- traumatic patients. Of course, OCCM is an invasive method with a number of possible complications accompanying surgical procedures, and its wide implementation would require a long-term training program, but it seems that it could be an impulse that would significantly improve survival in this group of patients.
Keywords: Cardiopulmonary Ressuscitation (CPR); European Resuscitation Council (ERC); Oppen Chest Cardiac Massage (OCCM); Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA).