In order to provide evidence for an association of cell surface laminin with the cytoskeleton, we have examined the detergent extractability of cell surface laminin on murine fibrosarcoma cells. We utilized indirect immunofluorescence with affinity-purified anti-laminin antibodies to determine the distribution, mobility and detergent extractability of laminin bound to the cell surface. We demonstrate that antibody induces clustering of cell surface laminin rendering it resistant to detergent extraction. At low receptor occupancy, approx. 80% of cell surface laminin is detergent-extractable. If cell surface laminin is induced to cluster with anti-laminin antibody, IB4 isolectin from Bandeiraea simplicifolia or by high receptor occupancy, then it is rendered resistant to detergent extraction. This process is temperature-sensitive and inhibited by cytochalasin D (CD). On the basis of these findings, we propose a model in which laminin anchored in the basement membrane in vivo affects the cellular cytoskeleton by facilitating the clustering of cell surface transmembrane laminin receptors which are able to interact with cellular actin.