Law enforcers are stressed, but they may be reluctant to seek psychological support due to the stigmatization of mental illness in the law enforcement culture. Given the relatively stigma-free lifestyle medicine intervention, a two-arm pilot randomized controlled trial was conducted in the Hong Kong police force to examine the efficacy of integrated lifestyle medicine practices in enhancing the mental health of law enforcers. A total of 18 participants were randomly assigned to the intervention and waitlist control groups. The intervention group attended a 6-week lifestyle medicine program consisting of five lifestyle factors. On analyzing the results of the Patient Health Questionnaire using a paired sample t-test, a statistically significant intervention effect was found. This implies that participants had significantly better general psychological well-being after the intervention in this pilot study. In conclusion, the present findings provide preliminary support to promote the relatively stigma-free lifestyle medicine interventions in law enforcement. Nevertheless, further research effort with a larger sample size is warranted to provide empirical support for the efficacy of integrated lifestyle medicine programme.
Keywords: de-stigmatization; law enforcement; lifestyle medicine; mental health; police; wellness.
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