Family functioning has been associated with psychological well-being and physical health. The 12-item McMaster Family Assessment Device-General Functioning Subscale (FAD-GF) has been widely used to assess individuals' overall level of family functioning. However, it has shown an inconsistent factor structure across various studies. The present study investigated its psychometric qualities in two studies with two different adult samples in Malaysia. In Study 1 (N = 417, 55.3% females, 19 to 26 years old), exploratory factor analyses were conducted, and four models were found: a three-factor model with 11 items, a two-factor model with 12 items, and one-factor models with six negatively worded items and six positively worded items, respectively. Study 2 (N = 358, 65.1% females, 18 to 60 years old) compared models found in past studies and those found in Study 1 through confirmatory factor analyses on another sample of adults. Among the six competing models, the two-factor model with three positively worded and three negatively worded items (i.e., FAD-GF-SF) is preferable because it did not require modification and showed a clear-cut result of goodness of fit. The subscales demonstrated satisfactory internal consistency. In conclusion, the FAD-GF-SF is a useful instrument for measuring family functioning in the Malaysian context.
Keywords: Malaysia; family assessment device; family functioning; general functioning; psychometrics.