During visually guided behaviors, mere hundreds of milliseconds can elapse between a sensory input and its associated behavioral response. How spikes occurring at different times are integrated to drive perception and action remains poorly understood. We delivered random trains of optogenetic stimulation (white noise) to excite inhibitory interneurons in V1 of mice of both sexes while they performed a visual detection task. We then performed a reverse correlation analysis on the optogenetic stimuli to generate a neuronal-behavioral kernel, an unbiased, temporally precise estimate of how suppression of V1 spiking at different moments around the onset of a visual stimulus affects detection of that stimulus. Electrophysiological recordings enabled us to capture the effects of optogenetic stimuli on V1 responsivity and revealed that the earliest stimulus-evoked spikes are preferentially weighted for guiding behavior. These data demonstrate that white noise optogenetic stimulation is a powerful tool for understanding how patterns of spiking in neuronal populations are decoded in generating perception and action.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT During visually guided actions, continuous chains of neurons connect our retinas to our motoneurons. To unravel circuit contributions to behavior, it is crucial to establish the relative functional position(s) that different neural structures occupy in processing and relaying the signals that support rapid, precise responses. To address this question, we randomly inhibited activity in mouse V1 throughout the stimulus-response cycle while the animals did many repetitions of a visual task. The period that led to impaired performance corresponded to the earliest stimulus-driven response in V1, with no effect of inhibition immediately before or during late stages of the stimulus-driven response. This approach offers experimenters a powerful method for uncovering the temporal weighting of spikes from stimulus to response.
Keywords: V1; detection; optogenetics; perception; visual cortex; white noise.
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