Objectives: Post-partum hemorrhage (PPH) continues to be the leading cause of maternal mortality in low-resource settings. The commonest variant - Atonic PPH, is managed by additional pharmacological measures which may fail. Additional surgical interventions for hemostasis take time and are not universally available. Immediate arrest of bleeding was deemed essential and a novel Transvaginal Uterine Artery Clamp (TVUAC) was explored for its effectiveness in achieving immediate hemostasis in atonic and mixed post-partum hemorrhage.
Study design: A retrospective chart review was performed for all patients, who underwent vaginal delivery and developed immediate post-partum atonic PPH, in a tertiary care center in South India, between 1st April 2015 and 31st December 2020. As soon as excess bleeding was observed, two TVUACs were applied trans-vaginally at 3' and 9'o clock position of the cervix to occlude the uterine arteries where it joins the isthmus of the uterus.
Results: Of 3999 vaginal deliveries, there were 251 patients who developed primary atonic PPH during the study period, of which 89 were managed by medical measures alone. Out of the remaining 162 patients, in 153 (94.4%) TVUAC helped to achieve hemostasis; with TVUAC alone in 120 patients (78.43%) and with an additional second line surgical intervention in 33 patients. In nine patients, TVUAC was not readily available and hence second line interventions alone were used. None required any third line surgical interventions (laparotomies) for hemostasis nor were there any incident of maternal mortality or consumptive coagulopathy. TVUAC was applied for a mean duration of 25 ± 10 min. Only 11.6% (29/251, 95% C.I 7.9-16.1%) of the patients required a blood transfusion with a median of 2 (1-4) units of packed RBC. No procedure related complications were reported up to a scheduled 6th week in-person follow-up.
Conclusion: The novel TVUAC shows potential in limiting third line interventions, maternal morbidity and mortality. Its effectiveness and safety may be further explored as a first line surgical adjunct to medical measures, in PPH protocols in low-resource settings.
Keywords: Emergency treatment; Obstetric surgical procedures; Post-partum haemorrhage; Surgical instruments.
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