In vitro nematocidal activity of Punica granatum L. against gastrointestinal helminths in goats

J Parasit Dis. 2022 Mar;46(1):236-242. doi: 10.1007/s12639-021-01439-1. Epub 2021 Aug 22.


The objective of this study was to evaluate the in vitro ovicidal activity, phytochemistry, and toxicity of a saline extract obtained from peel of Punica granatum L fruits. The ovicidal activity was evaluated by the hatching inhibition of eggs recovered from fecal samples of naturally infected goats; the phytochemical analysis was carried out using the fruit peel; and the toxicity was tested on Artemia salina, using saline extract. The results showed that the ovicidal effect of the tested extract was 99% (25 mg mL-1), 99% (12.5 mg mL-1), 98% (6.25 mg mL-1), and 95% (3.12 mg mL-1), higher than that of the control drug, thiabendazole (83%). The phytochemical analysis showed presence of phenols, anthraquinones, and condensed and hydrolysable tannins in the fruit extract. The toxicity test of the extract of P. granatum showed an LC50 of 6.19 mg mL-1, which indicates a safe use for a concentration of 3.12 mg mL-1, since it was the tested concentration that was below the reliable LC50. The saline extract from peels of P. granatum has ovicidal activity, important secondary metabolites, and absence of toxicity at the lowest concentration tested. However, in vivo tests in experimental models are recommended before performing experiments in ruminants.

Keywords: Ovicidal activity; Parasitosis; Phytotherapy; Resistance; Small ruminant.