The present study aimed at developing a potential in situ gellable dexamethasone (DXM) eye drop. Poly(aspartic acid) (PASP) derivatives were synthesized with dual functionality to improve the solubility of DXM, and to achieve in situ gelation. First, amine-modified β-cyclodextrin (CD) was attached to polysuccinimide (PSI), second, thiol functionalities were added by the reaction of cysteamine and succinimide rings. Finally, the PSI derivatives were hydrolysed to the corresponding PASP derivatives to get water-soluble polymers. Phase-solubility studies confirmed the complexation ability of CD-containing PASP derivatives. In situ gelation and the effect of the CD immobilization on this behaviour were characterized by rheological measurements. The solubilizing effect of CD was confirmed by kinetic solubility measurements, whereas in vitro corneal permeability assay (corneal-PAMPA) measurements were performed to determine in vitro permeability and flux values. The effect of the PASP derivatives on permeation strongly depended on chemical composition and polymer concentration.
Keywords: Cyclodextrin-modified thiolated poly(aspartic acid); Dexamethasone formulations; In situ gelation; Mucoadhesion; Ophthalmic drug delivery; corneal-PAMPA.
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