Subcortical structures are a relative neurophysiological 'terra incognita' owing to their location within the skull. While perioperative subcortical sensing has been performed for more than 20 years, the neurophysiology of the basal ganglia in the home setting has remained almost unexplored. However, with the recent advent of implantable pulse generators (IPG) that are able to record neural activity, the opportunity to chronically record local field potentials (LFPs) directly from electrodes implanted for deep brain stimulation opens up. This allows for a breakthrough of chronic subcortical sensing into fundamental research and clinical practice. In this review an extensive overview of the current state of subcortical sensing is provided. The widespread potential of chronic subcortical sensing for investigational and clinical use is discussed. Finally, status and future perspectives of the most promising application of chronic subcortical sensing -i.e., adaptive deep brain stimulation (aDBS)- are discussed in the context of movement disorders. The development of aDBS based on both chronic subcortical and cortical sensing has the potential to dramatically change clinical practice and the life of patients with movement disorders. However, several barriers still stand in the way of clinical implementation. Advancements regarding IPG and lead technology, physiomarkers, and aDBS algorithms as well as harnessing artificial intelligence, multimodality and sensing in the naturalistic setting are needed to bring aDBS to clinical practice.
Trial registration: NCT04547712.
Keywords: Adaptive; Basal ganglia; DBS; Sensing; Subcortex.
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