The lead optimization stage of a drug discovery program generally involves the design, synthesis, and assaying of hundreds to thousands of compounds. The design phase is usually carried out via traditional medicinal chemistry approaches and/or structure-based drug design (SBDD) when suitable structural information is available. Two of the major limitations of this approach are (1) difficulty in rapidly designing potent molecules that adhere to myriad project criteria, or the multiparameter optimization (MPO) problem, and (2) the relatively small number of molecules explored compared to the vast size of chemical space. To address these limitations, we have developed AutoDesigner, a de novo design algorithm. AutoDesigner employs a cloud-native, multistage search algorithm to carry out successive rounds of chemical space exploration and filtering. Millions to billions of virtual molecules are explored and optimized while adhering to a customizable set of project criteria such as physicochemical properties and potency. Additionally, the algorithm only requires a single ligand with measurable affinity and a putative binding model as a starting point, making it amenable to the early stages of an SBDD project where limited data are available. To assess the effectiveness of AutoDesigner, we applied it to the design of novel inhibitors of d-amino acid oxidase (DAO), a target for the treatment of schizophrenia. AutoDesigner was able to generate and efficiently explore over 1 billion molecules to successfully address a variety of project goals. The compounds generated by AutoDesigner that were synthesized and assayed (1) simultaneously met not only physicochemical criteria, clearance, and central nervous system (CNS) penetration (Kp,uu) cutoffs but also potency thresholds and (2) fully utilize structural data to discover and explore novel interactions and a previously unexplored subpocket in the DAO active site. The reported data demonstrate that AutoDesigner can play a key role in accelerating the discovery of novel, potent chemical matter within the constraints of a given drug discovery lead optimization campaign.