T2R bitter taste receptors in airway motile cilia increase ciliary beat frequency (CBF) and nitric oxide (NO) production. Polymorphisms in some T2Rs are linked to disease outcomes in chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS) and cystic fibrosis (CF). We examined the expression of cilia T2Rs during the differentiation of human nasal epithelial cells grown at air-liquid interface (ALI). The T2R expression increased with differentiation but did not vary between CF and non-CF cultures. Treatment with Pseudomonas aeruginosa flagellin decreased the expression of diphenhydramine-responsive T2R14 and 40, among others. Diphenhydramine increased both NO production, measured by fluorescent dye DAF-FM, and CBF, measured via high-speed imaging. Increases in CBF were disrupted after flagellin treatment. Diphenhydramine impaired the growth of lab and clinical strains of P. aeruginosa, a major pathogen in CF and CF-related CRS. Diphenhydramine impaired biofilm formation of P. aeruginosa, measured via crystal violet staining, as well as the surface attachment of P. aeruginosa to CF airway epithelial cells, measured using colony-forming unit counting. Because the T2R agonist diphenhydramine increases NO production and CBF while also decreasing bacterial growth and biofilm production, diphenhydramine-derived compounds may have potential clinical usefulness in CF-related CRS as a topical therapy. However, utilizing T2R agonists as therapeutics within the context of P. aeruginosa infection may require co-treatment with anti-inflammatories to enhance T2R expression.
Keywords: G protein-coupled receptors; Pseudomonas aeruginosa; Staphylococcus aureus; calcium; chronic rhinosinusitis; ciliary beat frequency; cystic fibrosis; nitric oxide.