Background: Acute-on-chronic liver failure encompasses an acute deterioration of liver function in patients with pre-existent cirrhosis. Sometimes the clinical picture of acute-on-chronic liver failure is misleading and may not be secondary to primary liver disease, as described in our case.
Case description: A 65-year-old woman with cirrhosis was transferred to our transplantation centre because of suspected acute-on-chronic liver failure. Given her medical history of breastcancer and suspicious laboratory results, we performed a liver biopsy. This showed diffuse metastases of mammary carcinoma. Earlier CT-scans showed features of cirrhosis without signs of malignancy: a misleading phenomenon called pseudocirrhosis.
Conclusion: Diffuse malignant hepatic infiltration can resemble cirrhosis and acute-on-chronic liver failure, both in clinical presentation as in imaging. Liver transplantation is contraindicated in malignant liver failure. To assure a solid indication for transplantation, a liver biopsy has to be considered, even in emergency situations.