Marmosets display remarkable vocal motor abilities. Macaques do not. What is it about the marmoset brain that enables its skill in the vocal domain? We examined the cortical control of a laryngeal muscle that is essential for vocalization in both species. We found that, in both monkeys, multiple premotor areas in the frontal lobe along with the primary motor cortex (M1) are major sources of disynaptic drive to laryngeal motoneurons. Two of the premotor areas, ventral area 6 (area 6V) and the supplementary motor area (SMA), are a substantially larger source of descending output in marmosets. We propose that the enhanced vocal motor skills of marmosets are due, in part, to the expansion of descending output from these premotor areas.
Keywords: cerebral cortex; laryngeal muscle; premotor areas; speech.