The study of soft tissues has greatly improved since the introduction of ultrasonography (US) and computed tomography (CT). In order to define the role of instrumental investigations, 51 patients affected by non glandular superficial soft tissue masses underwent US and 9 were also examined with CT. US proved to be accurate to define the size, the structure of the mass (93%), the benign or malignant nature (91%). US was also useful for percutaneous biopsy. However, US cannot be considered the only investigation because it does not give enough data about bony and articular structures: a conventional X-ray film must be performed in order to define the relation of the mass with the adjacent bone and to clarify the possible presence of fatty tissue in a solid mass shown at US. CT has a role in case of large masses, surrounding a bone diaphysis, when the malignant nature is suspected and to define the relationship with vessels and muscles.