The European Heart Journal: fulfilling the mission

Eur Heart J. 2022 Jun 14;43(23):2181-2184. doi: 10.1093/eurheartj/ehac171.


In September 2020, the new Editors of the European Heart Journal (EHJ) wrote the following in their inaugural editorial: "The fundamental mission of the Journal remains the reduction of the global burden of cardiovascular disease. We aspire to advance this aim by worldwide teamwork to communicate practice-changing research, inspire clinical cardiologists, and pursue rigour and transparency in the application of science at the service of human health. The Journal will strive to lead the field in its impact, influence, and reach". After more than one year of experience the Editors hope the cardiological community will agree that they are fulfilling this mission. As stewards of the EHJ, the Editor's primary goal is not solely to achieve a high Impact Factor (which attests to the scientific quality and influence of our publications) but also to elevate the practice of cardiovascular medicine worldwide. Accordingly, various initiatives of the EHJ strive to strengthen further links among Editors, Authors, Reviewers and Readers through a series of coordinated and diverse activities, including webinars, active social media presence, and active participation at congresses worldwide. The Editors are proud to serve one of the most important scientific journals in cardiovascular medicine.

Keywords: cardiovascular disease; impact factor; mission; social media; webinars.