Background Health financing is a major domain of health system building blocks. With the epidemiological transition and increasing trend of Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs), it is crucial to assess the status of health financing to address the gap of prevention, control, and treatment of CVDs in Nepal. Objective This paper aims to assess the situation of healthcare financing on Cardiovascular diseases in Nepal. We framed three key functions of health system financing: (a) revenue collection, (b) pooling of resources, and (c) purchasing of services for this study. Method We used sequential explanatory mixed-method research design. We conducted desk reviews, analyzed secondary data on health financing followed by Key-Informant Interviews with five relevant policymakers and experts between February and September 2019. We obtained the Ethical clearance from the Nepal Health Research Council. Result Out of pocket (OOP) expenditure remains the highest source (52%) of total health care expenditure in Nepal, and two third of it is made for NCDs. Out of total current health expenditure on outpatient and inpatient services for fiscal year 2015/16, only 7% of total NCDs was spent on CVDs. Hypertension is the third-most utilized insurance service out of 36 CVD related services provided by the Health Insurance Board. The existing health related social service schemes covers the high costs associated with treatment, and streamlining these services including provider payment mechanisms with the health insurance program could open up opportunities to expand quality CVD services and make it accessible to the marginalized population. Conclusion Health Financing is the integral part of the health system. With the rising burden of cardiovascular diseases and its impact on impoverishment due to high OOP, integrated health care services, budget specification based on the evidence-based burden of disease such as CVD needs to be prioritized by the government.