Background: PD-L1 testing is currently performed by immunohistochemistry (IHC). We questioned whether the results of PCR-based measurement of PD-L1 RNA expression correlate with IHC scores obtained by different commercial assays.
Materials and methods: 167 consecutive non-squamous non-small cell lung carcinomas (NSCLCs) were analyzed for PD-L1 RNA expression and 22C3, SP263, and SP142 IHC scoring using recommended cut-offs. RNA expression was divided into low, moderate, and high categories.
Results: RNA and protein expression demonstrated moderate correlation as continuous variables. Using prespecified RNA cut-offs, PCR testing showed a high negative predictive value towards the IHC analysis: the share of PD-L1 protein-negative tumors among cases classified as PD-L1-low by the PCR test reached 92-99% for all three antibodies. Meanwhile, about half of cases with moderate to high PD-L1 RNA expression had IHC staining in less than 1% tumor cells as determined by 22C3 or SP263 antibodies. Among the 51 discordant cases, which had <1% tumor staining by both 22C3 and SP263 clones but high RNA level, 29 (57%) showed ≥1% positive immune cells by SP263 and/or 22C3, 14 cases (27%) had detectable IHC expression in 0.1-0.9% tumor or immune cells by SP263 and/or 22C3, and 8 (16%) were entirely negative by IHC.
Conclusion: Some NSCLCs demonstrate readily detectable PD-L1 expression on the level of RNA, but fall below commonly accepted cut-offs by IHC. It remains to be studied whether these discrepancies are attributed to technical or biological reasons. Clinical sensitivity of these tumors to immune therapy deserves additional investigations.
Keywords: Immune checkpoint inhibitors; Non-small cell lung cancer; PD-L1 RNA expression; PD-L1 immunohistochemistry.
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