Background: Current fasting guidelines are often exceeded in clinical practice, resulting in stressful events during anaesthesia in children. This prospective study compares residual gastric volume after 1 versus 2 h of clear fluid ingestion in fasted children. METHODS: A total of 106 patients were enrolled in the study. Ultrasonography (USG) of gastric antrum (GA) was performed in the supine and right lateral decubitus (RLD) positions. All children fasted from solid food for 6 h. Blackcurrant flavoured drink (3 mL/kg) was given following the measurement of baseline (T0) USG of GA, with follow-ups after 1 (T1) and 2 (T2) hours post-ingestion. Residual gastric volume (RGV) was calculated from the cross-sectional area of GA using a standard formula. Parental satisfaction with their children’s behaviour concerning fasting time was recorded. Results: RGV was significantly higher at T1 compared to T2 (p < 0.001). No significant difference was seen between T0 and T2 (p = 0.30). Parental satisfaction was similar at T1 and T2 (p = 0.158). Conclusions: The RGV in paediatric patients after 1 h of clear fluid ingestion was significantly higher than after 2 h of ingestion. There was no difference observed in parental satisfaction concerning the two intervals of fluid fasting. RLD and supine positions can be used reliably to measure the RGV in children.
Keywords: fasting; gastric antrum; pulmonary aspiration; ultrasonography.