Purpose: The purpose of this work is to present a new method for reconstructing patient-specific three-dimensional (3D) vasculature of the brain from a pair of digital subtraction angiography (DSA) image sequences from different viewpoints, e.g., from bi-plane angiography. Our long-term goal is to provide high resolution visualization of 3D vasculature with dynamic flow of contrast agent from limited data that is readily available during surgical procedures. The proposed method is the second of a three-stage process composed of 1) augmenting vessel segmentation with vessel radii and timing of the arrival of a bolus of contrast agent, 2) reconstructing a volumetric representation of the augmented vessel data from the augmented 2D segmentations, and 3) generating a 3D model of vessels and flow of contrast agent from the volumetric reconstruction. Unlike previous methods, which are either limited to relatively simple vessel structures or rely on multiple views and/or prior models of the vasculature, our method requires only a single pair of 2D DSA sequences taken from different view directions.
Methods: We developed a new mathematical algorithm that augments vessel centerlines with vessel radii and bolus arrival times derived directly from the 2D DSA sequences to constrain the 3D reconstruction. We validated this method on digital phantoms derived from clinical data and from fractal models of branching tree structures.
Results: In standard reconstruction methods, reconstruction by projection of two views into 3D space results in 'ghosting' artifacts, i.e., false 3D structure that occurs where vessels or vessel segments overlap in the 2D images. For the complex vascular of the brain, this ghosting is severe and is a major hurdle for methods that attempt to generate 3D structure from 2D images. We show that our approach reduces ghosting by up to 99% in digital phantoms derived from clinical data.
Conclusion: Our dramatic reduction in ghosting artifacts in 3D reconstructions from a pair of 2D image sequences is an important step towards generating high resolution 3D vasculature with dynamic flow information from a single DSA sequence acquired using bi-plane angiography.
Keywords: 3D reconstruction; Brain blood vessels; Cerebral vasculature; Digital subtraction angiography.
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