True aneurysms of the coronary artery after aortic root replacement in Marfan syndrome patients are very rare. An anomalous origin of the right coronary artery (RCA) from the left sinus of Valsalva adds complexity during aortic root surgery. We present a case of a 37-year-old male patient with Marfan syndrome who had an RCA anomaly and a 4.5-cm true aneurysm of the common coronary button 14 years after a previous Bentall procedure. A redo Bentall operation and hemi-arch replacement were successfully performed. The anomalous origin of the RCA from the left sinus of Valsalva was safely divided and anastomosed as separate coronary buttons to the prosthetic composite valve graft. To prevent coronary button aneurysms after aortic root surgery in Marfan patients, the coronary buttons and the corresponding side holes on the prosthetic graft must be reduced to the maximum possible extent.
Keywords: Aneurysm; Aortic root; Case report; Coronary artery pathology; Marfan syndrome; Reoperation.