A novel curricular framework to develop grant writing skills among MD-PhD students

J Clin Transl Sci. 2022 Apr 4;6(1):e54. doi: 10.1017/cts.2022.384. eCollection 2022.


Background/objectives: Physician-scientists have long been in high demand owing to their role as key drivers of biomedical innovation, but their dwindling prevalence in research and medical communities threatens ongoing progress. As the principal avenue for physician-scientist development, combined MD-PhD training programs and NIH-funded Medical Scientist Training Programs (MSTPs) must address all aspects of career development, including grant writing skills.

Methods: The NIH F-series grants - the F30 grant in particular - model the NIH format of federal funding, and are thus ideal opportunities to acquire biomedical research grant preparation experience. Therefore, in this report, we describe a curricular model through which predoctoral MSTP students obtain exposure to - and training for - F-series grant conceptualization, writing, and evaluation.

Results: Since the development of these longitudinal courses, we observed trending improvements in student funding success rates, particularly among original submissions, and perceived benefits among participating students.

Keywords: Physician-scientist; career development; mentorship; training grant.