Rationale: Dyspnea, a key symptom of acute respiratory failure, is not among the criteria for spontaneous breathing trial (SBT) failure. Here, we sought (1) to determine whether dyspnea is a reliable failure criterion for SBT failure; (2) to quantify the relationship between dyspnea and the respective electromyographic activity of the diaphragm (EMGdi), the parasternal (EMGpa) and the Alae nasi (EMGan).
Methods: Mechanically ventilated patients undergoing an SBT were included. Dyspnea intensity was measured by the Dyspnea-Visual Analogic Scale (Dyspnea-VAS) at the initiation and end of the SBT. During the 30-min SBT or until SBT failure, the EMGdi was continuously measured with a multi-electrode nasogastric catheter and the EMGan and EMGpa with surface electrodes.
Results: Thirty-one patients were included, SAPS 2 (median [interquartile range]) 53 (37‒74), mechanically ventilated for 6 (3‒10) days. Seventeen patients (45%) failed the SBT. The increase in Dyspnea-VAS along the SBT was higher in patients who failed (6 [4‒8] cm) than in those who passed (0 [0‒1] cm, p = 0.01). The area under the receiver operating characteristics curve for Dyspnea-VAS was 0.909 (0.786-1.032). The increase in Dyspnea-VAS was significantly correlated to the increase in EMGan (Rho = 0.42 [0.04‒0.70], p < 0.05), but not to the increase in EMGpa (Rho = - 0.121 [- 0.495 to - 0.290], p = 0.555) and EMGdi (Rho = - 0.26 [- 0.68 to 0.28], p = 0.289).
Conclusion: Dyspnea is a reliable criterion of SBT failure, suggesting that Dyspnea-VAS could be used as a monitoring tool of the SBT. In addition, dyspnea seems to be more closely related to the electromyographic activity of the Alae nasi than of the diaphragm.
Keywords: Clinical study; Dyspnea; Mechanical ventilation; Physiology.
© 2022. The Author(s).