Objective: To explore potential categories of parental social support for young parents under the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) epidemic, and to examine correlations of different types of parents' social support with parental burnout.
Methods: In April 2020, we conducted an online voluntary survey among young parents across China with scales and a self-designed questionnaire. The latent profile analysis method was used to analyze parents' received social support and perceived social support. The social support categories were taken as independent variables and parental burnout as dependent variables, and multiple regression analysis was carried out to explore the relationship between received social support, perceived social support and parental burnout. Finally, the moderating effect of resilience between social support groups and parental burnout was discussed.
Results: The results of latent profile analysis revealed three potential types of received social support, namely isolate, normal, and multi-support and the proportions of the respondents with the three profiles were 14.1%, 78.0%, and 7.9%. Four potential types of perceived social support, namely, indigent, medium, affluent and divergent and the proportions of the respondents with the four profiles were 13.7%, 29.6%, 25.3%, and 31.3%. Among them, the parents with divergent perceived social support had more perception of social support from the couple, family and relatives, but less perception of social support from net-friend, social organizations and the government. Regression analysis showed that there was no statistically significant correlation between different profiles of received social support and parental burnout, and among the groups of perceived social support, there was a statistically significant correlation between indigent and divergent types of social support and parental burnout. The divergent parents had lower levels of parental burnout compared with indigent (β=-0.120, P=0.003). Also, resilience moderated the effect of divergent perceived social support and parental burnout. Compared with the parents with low resilience, the parents with high resilience perceived divergent social support with lower parenting burnout.
Conclusion: There are prominent latent types of received social support and perceived social support under epidemic. People with divergent perceived social support (more perceived supports from partner, family and friends) are prone to have a relatively lower risk of parental burnout. Parents with higher resilience will be more sensitive to the support of close acquaintances, and can better resist parental burnout.
目的: 探讨新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情下儿童父母社会支持潜在类型,并分析社会支持与养育倦怠的关系。
方法: 2020年4月采用自制问卷及量表对1~10岁儿童父母进行网络调查,应用潜在剖面分析方法对父母获得社会支持、感知社会支持进行分析,将得到的社会支持类别分别作为自变量,将父母养育倦怠作为因变量,进行多元回归分析,探索获得社会支持、感知社会支持与养育倦怠之间的关系,并探讨了抗逆力在社会支持组别与养育倦怠间的调节作用。
结果: 父母获得社会支持分为孤立型(14.1%)、正常型(78.0%)、多助型(7.9%)三种;父母感知社会支持分为贫乏型(13.7%)、中等型(29.7%)、富足型(25.3%)、分歧型(31.3%)四种,其中分歧型感知社会支持的父母具有更多的感知来自伴侣、家人、亲戚的社会支持,而较少的感知来自网友、社会组织以及政府的社会支持的特征。回归分析结果显示,获得社会支持的不同组别与父母倦怠情绪的相关没有统计学意义,感知社会支持组别中,贫乏型与分歧型的社会支持与父母倦怠相关存在统计学意义(β=-0.120,P=0.003)。相较于贫乏型,分歧型父母的养育倦怠程度更低。同时,抗逆力对分歧型感知社会支持与养育倦怠有调节作用,相较于低抗逆力父母,高抗逆力父母感知分歧型社会支持会有更低的养育倦怠。
结论: 新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情下父母获得社会支持、感知社会支持存在多种类别,感知更多传统近端社会支持(来自伴侣、家人和朋友)的儿童父母会有相对更低的养育倦怠风险、更高的抗逆力父母会对近端熟人支持更敏感,能更好的抵御养育倦怠情绪。
Keywords: COVID-19; Latent profile analysis; Parental burnout; Social support.