Introduction: In the SARS-CoV-2 epidemic, the monitoring of epidemiological surveillance indicators is a central issue.
Objective: We were able to describe the monitoring of the epidemic of hospitalized patients in the department of Alpes-Maritimes from three data sources: 1) Santé Publique France (SPF) via the SI-VIC software, 2) the Regional Health Agency (ARS Paca) with conventional hospitalization or department critical care data taken from SI-VIC, adjusting them to those of the Health Establishments (ES), 3) The ES of Alpes-Maritimes associated with the ARS of Alpes-Maritimes and the Department of Public Health (DSP) of the CHU, with the collection of patients hospitalized in the conventional sector or in critical/intensive care in the dedicated COVID-19 beds. The aim of this study was to verify the consistency of these three information systems.
Results: We observed disparities between the number of cases of hospitalization of SPF and the data from ES/ARS/DSP. We did not observe any differences in patients hospitized in intensive care/critical care units. The Scientific Council uses SPF data on the number of hospitalizations or intensive/critical beds to justify its recommendations.However, SPF data from SI-VIC have associated patients hospitalized for COVID and patients who tested positive for PCR, but whose reason for hospitalization is not related to SARS-CoV2 infection (formerly infected or asymptomatic patients).
Conclusions: We believe that hospital surveillance indicators should only take into account the number of patients in conventional hospitalization or resuscitation for a COVID-19 infection.