Assisted reproductive techniques can help many infertile couples conceive. Therefore, there is a need for an effective method to overcome the widespread problems of infertile men and women. Oocyte and sperm quality can increase the chances of successful in vitro fertilisation. The maturation environment in which gametes are present can affect their competency for fertilisation. It is well established that myo-inositol (MI) plays a pivotal role in reproductive physiology. It participates in cell membrane formation, lipid synthesis, cell proliferation, cardiac regulation, metabolic alterations, and fertility. This molecule also acts as a direct messenger of insulin and improves glucose uptake in various reproductive tissues. Evidence suggests that MI regulates events such as gamete maturation, fertilisation, and embryo growth through intracellular Ca2 + release and various signalling pathways. In addition to the in-vivo production of MI from glucose in the reproductive organs, its synthesis by in vitro-cultured sperm and follicles has also been reported. Therefore, MI is suggested as a therapeutic approach to maintain sperm and oocyte health in men and women with reproductive disorders and individuals of reproductive age.
Keywords: Myo-inositol; assisted reproductive techniques; embryo development; fertilisation; gamete maturation.